Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Song of Ice and Fire

Trumping Lord Of The Rings is nearly every list I could find, this series is truly epic. The author George R.R. Martin has already penned down five of the planned seven books in this series.

Made popular by the show 'A Game of Thrones', the series is (in)famous for killing off protagonists at critical junctures.

Yet, somehow, the author, George R.R. Martin manages to continually fill the voids created by their absence with more twists, other characters and a flawless narrative.

In face, the narrative is so exquisite that it compels me to use words like 'exquisite' and 'compels'.
ASolaF has all the ingredients of a good book: characters you can sink your teeth into, that are fully developed and multifaceted; romance, with plenty of sex (but not too graphic... but believe me graphic enough); violence, but not without purpose; excellent pacing, with lots of twists and turns in the plot; drama, drama, and more drama; power struggles and intrigue...and that's just off the top of my head.

Author George R.R. Martin

However, this series is a time-consuming beast, with a word - count in millions. For those of you who haven't read it yet, you'd better start soon since it's a loooong read. More importantly, summer's nearly over - And winter is coming.

A picture of the fictitious map of the world created by R.R Martin (I kept the full enlarged view)

Contributed by Anshul Avasthi

Also if you want to check out the TV Show review 'A Game of Thrones' on our blog visit here